What Made Me Quit & the Biggest Lessons From My 5 Years in Business

“I Quit”

“I’m done being used and abused at this job.” 5 years ago I was fed up (and my husband of just 4 months at that point was probably fed up hearing me complain). I was:

  1. Being paid WAY too little
  2. Receiving no benefits or PTO despite having a college degree in this field
  3. Providing direct revenue to the company (I had started a business under them) and didn’t see any payout from that

I refused to be “that girl” that just didn’t ask for raises/ talk about her worth. So I had asked for raises multiple times and continued to be undermined by a CEO making half a million telling me “we are all not getting paid our worth, it is just the reality right now”.

While he was flying on his private jet, I was struggling to pay rent.

In April I decided I was DONE.

On May 22, 2018 I started creating the first website for MY business on WordPress! I added the social media management page, logo design page, and website design page. 

I created my tagline

“Learning the HEART behind your brand to create something fresh, familiar, and profitable.”

Which honestly hasn’t changed a ton in the past 5 years. That, along with my ideal client, have stayed pretty consistent, although the work itself has changed.

I wrote my first blog post on 5/29/2018 (How To Do Italy For 2 For Under $2,600!) and then starting in June I soft-launched my services to my network (aka friends and family).

Want to read about my first month’s journey as an entrepreneur? Go here!

How did you start your business journey?

A series of Instagram posts tells it pretty well:

As you can see, I had a WHIRLWIND of a start. I had co-workers encouraging me to do this for a while, but from decision to execution to go full time was just a few months.

Hard work questions I’ve had to answer in the last 5 years of my business:

The has been a heck-ton of growth and lessons throughout the past 5 years of running Rebekah Read Creative. I have honestly thought about throwing in the towel multiple times. Here are just a few of the things I have had to work through:

1. Do I keep my business as a social media manager or switch to websites?

2. Do I keep my business as a website designer or grow it to serve more clients with courses?

3. Do I hire a VA or design assistant?

Read More: Who To Hire First As A Creative Entrepreneur

4. Should I take a 1 month sabbatical if I’m only 2.5 years into business and how?

5. What’s a healthy amount of websites to design in a year?

6. Should I start a YouTube channel?

7. Should I launch a shop (that should have been a NO)?

8. Should I close down my business altogether?

Watch More: I Did End Up Pausing My Business From Burnout for 3 months

9. Should I create a “Showit With Confidence” Course or “Squarespace With Confidence” Course?

10. How long should my maternity leave be?

11. What should I do about how much I hate being on Instagram?

Read More: I now get most of my clients through SEO

12. How much do I WANT to work? (I chose to do daycare one day a week and LOVE IT).

And you’re in luck, because I’ve blogged most of these pivots and processed many of these decisions through blogging.

Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. It is a whirlwind, but the flexibility it has allowed me (especially to travel) has been 100% worth it.

Becoming an online entrepreneur has affected all facets of my life.

  • I made more income my second year in business than I did at that corporate job.
  • My work-life balance has been much better; I thrive on fast-paced work and am very efficient. The typical 9-5 didn’t work for me because I would get done and then just sit around trying to figure out what to do. Now I get my work done and go out for a run or play with my daughter!
  • My relationship with my husband is much better because my mental health is better.

This is my version of success!

starting web design business

Are you thinking about starting a web design business but don’t know how to design a website?

Learning how to navigate running a web design business while staying at home full time with a baby over the past year was a challenge to say the least (praise the Lord for daycare once a week… GAME CHANGER).

I definitely was the mom that thought I could do both. Turns out Eliza actually wants to sit on my lap every single second of my day.  😅

But the beautiful thing about working for yourself, and specifically working in the website design industry, is that you get to call the shots and your business works around you and your priorities (aka snack time and nap time!)

If you think website design may be a service you want to add…

>> I HIGHLY suggest Paige Brunton’s Square Secrets Business™ course.

>> If you don’t even know how to design a website, I HAVE A COURSE FOR YOU!


I have definitely been at my wits end and ready to quit, but it has also been the most rewarding thing being able to decide my priorities in my life, and create a job around that versus the other way around. 

Interested in learning how to design a website?

50% of small businesses fail within 5 years of opening their doors

according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

And 18% fail within the 1st year!

CBinsights’ did a survey which revealed “the main reason businesses fail is due to running out of money and an inability to secure more.”

I truly believe the reason I have made it this far is because:

1. I am strategic with my money (aka I don’t spend ANY money on ads and use organic SEO as my traffic driver and I only invest in 1 thing a year and I ANALYZE THE HECK out of that offer to make sure it is the right thing for my business at that time)


2. I avoided burnout by prioritizing MY VERSION OF SUCCESS (time freedom and location freedom) instead of their version (6 figure year, 10k months, etc.)

* Affiliate disclaimer – You don’t pay more, but I may receive commission if you purchase through that link. Please note, I truly love this platform and would suggest it either way!

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