It’s a…

Here’s a rough edit of my birth story. Mostly just the facts, because I am working off of 2 hours of sleep and my 20 month old is about to wake up to start the day. It’s the real real over here.

Baby #2 birth story:

It started around 1 am on May 28. Well actually earlier (maybe 10 pm?) but that’s when they were 3 min apart.

Came in at 3:30 AM and labored in the tub, used nitrous oxide, & tried tons of different positions to get baby out of left occiput posterior. But what felt the best was walking the (tiny) hallway back and forth. Over and over.

Your body – soul and mind – know what to do in labor. I found myself fast walking the hallways and then lunging when a contraction came on. And singing a praise song. It felt so holy. Just me, God, and the baby (although I’m sure if anyone saw me they would think I looked crazy.)

I got an epidural at 1 pm just knowing I was probably in it for the long haul.

I was only dilated to a 6 and 90% efaced but baby’s position wasn’t great. They broke my water around 3 and nothing changed so they put me on pitocin at 6 pm.

At 10:45 I learned I dilated to a 7-8!! I was overjoyed.

Pushing started at 2 AM until 3:30 and then I had to stop. I begged for morphine or a c section. I couldn’t do it. I was exhausted having not slept in 40+ hours. I got some meds, took a short nap, & then pushed again.

I used the bar over the bed and a sheet and played tug of war pulling myself into a crunch every few minutes. I did this from 4:30-6 and finally the baby was born and Sam announced the labor (in shock). It’s a boy!! The total pushing was 3 hours and I gotta say that was the hardest thing I’ve ever done (and I’ve ran a marathon in 3:02 and a 50k trail race).

Baby boy Read is here. 29ish hours of labor. Much better than the 47 last time.

The deets:

6 lb 14 oz – 20 inches long – 5:57 am – May 29 (Memorial Day)

Shout outs

Another day I stand in absolute amazement at nurses. My L&D nurses helped me come up with positioning ideas to turn baby, served me constantly, and encouraged me. I would have given up I think on a vaginal delivery without them. The nurses were the real MVPs of this birth. As well as my husband who encouraged me and did anything I asked throughout the entire process.

Read More: my first birth story

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