and welcome –
I’m so happy you are here!
Countries I've visited while working
If you’ve hung out with me at all on Instagram, you know I’m a big fan of sweatshirts, pony tails, and leggings — with a reheated hot cup of coffee in one hand and wrangling a kid (or two) with the other.
Are you at your wits end with this whole Squarespace or Showit website design process and ready to throw in the towel?
Friend, I hear you! Whether you are half way done or too scared to get started, we all know the importance of having a little spot on the internet world for yourself and I am here to come alongside you! Want to know more about me? I am
Heartfelt websites I've designed
Snuggle breaks with nala/ workday
My clients aren’t just transactions—they’re real people with real dreams. I genuinely care about their success, their stories, and making them feel supported every step of the way.
I’m proof that you can build a successful business without burnout. I help entrepreneurs design websites that work for them, so they can spend more time doing what they love—whether that’s growing their business, traveling, or being present with family.
No fluff, no gatekeeping. I’m upfront about what works (and what doesn’t) in website design and SEO, so my clients can make informed decisions without second-guessing.
I don’t just design websites—I empower entrepreneurs to take ownership of their online presence so they can make updates, optimize for SEO, and grow without relying on a designer for every little change.
Every entrepreneur deserves someone in their corner. I show up as a supportive guide, cheering my clients on and helping them push past doubt to take bold action.
Perfectionism holds entrepreneurs back. I encourage my clients to launch, test, and refine—because momentum is more powerful than overthinking. I have a streamlined approach that helps entrepreneurs launch websites fast.
※ I met my Husband on our Cross Country team in college.
※ After every run below 45° (which is a lot in Washington) I end the run with white fingers. #Raynaudsforlife
※ I need to have a fan on while sleeping. Thankfully after marriage, I found out that my husband and I share that idiosyncrasy!
※ I'm a Midwestern girl at heart - I grew up in Minnesota and went to college in Iowa. And yes, we still ran in -20
※ “Pitch Perfect” is my favorite movie of all time, right up there with “Pearl Harbor” and “Top Gun”.
| Hiking in the mountains
| Naps in a hammock with the sun on my face
| Red wine after a long day
| Daily runs to boost my mood
| Jack Johnson on repeat
| Costco grapes (if you’ve had them, I’m sure you can relate)
| Culver’s Custard malt with m&ms (Midwest is Best)
| My mom’s ginger martini.
| Minneapolis traffic
| People budging
| Accounting mumbo-jumbo
| Heat and humidity, give me the snow any day
| Avocado toast, I know I'm in the minority here
| People being late, I want to be a free spirit with all I am, but my Eneagram 3 just gets the best of me
| Shopping in a store... or really any shopping in general
Got married, left corporate, moved to a different state, started a business, got a dog, and bought a house. AKA I needed money so I did whatever creative thing I could - photography, social media management, logos, websites, etc.
Honed in my business to be JUST website designer. This helped me gain more clients and make more money! In year 1 of my biz I made $24,074 (before taxes and expenses). In year 2 I made $48,870!
My highest grossing year in business ($63,089). I threw so much spaghetti at the wall trying new things because I had time to do so. I also made a huge pivot and started doing WEBSITE IN A DAYS and they took off! People loved this service. I also created my Squarespace SEO Course!
I focussed on passive income this year and I launched Squarespace With Confidence to teach entrepreneurs how to DIY their website with strategy. I had my first child, earned $45,242, and took a 3 month maternity leave at the end of the year!
I really struggled the second half of this year as I learned how to navigate being a SAHM of 2 under 2 while also running a business. I sustained my business, but I definitely didn't grow it. Adding daycare once a week helped a lot! I really missed my business by the end of 2023 and decided to up childcare so I could grow it again.
The year of increasing daycare so I can maintain my sanity. This year I had childcare 2-3 days a week. I made a huge investment ($4,000 & 200+ hours of work) and refined my Squarespace Course relaunching it as Beyond The Template for new solopreneurs.
A lot of soaking up being a mom and pumping the breaks on my business... and being okay with that! I still did website in a days, created a lot of blog content and YouTube videos, but I also traveled A TON with Eliza (and got pregnant again).
Bekah is a small business web designer, Squarespace educator, and momma of 2. She finds joy in being entrepreneurs’ biggest cheerleader in getting their website out into the world so it can start ranking on Google. She’s passionate about teaching you the tricks to building your brand online & skipping the marketing rat-race of instagram.