and Welcome –
I’m so happy you are here!
Countries i've visited while working
If you’ve hung out with me at all on Instagram, you know I’m a big fan of sweatshirts, pony tails, and leggings — with a reheated hot cup of coffee in one hand and wrangling a kid with the other.
Are you at your wits end with this whole Squarespace or Showit website design process and ready to throw in the towel?
Friend, I hear you! Whether you are half way done or too scared to get started, we all know the importance of having a little spot on the internet world for yourself and I am here to come alongside you! Want to know more about me? I am
Heartfelt websites I've designed
Snuggle breaks with nala/ workday
10% of the proceeds go back to the organization that ignited my passion.
I started this business because of foster care. After a week of living in Honduras, a little 11 day old boy came into my care and I was his mom for 4.5 months. After 4.5 months he was placed with his forever family. This experience produced a love of caring for children in the in-between and loving them deeply while holding them loosely. This became my mantra and I knew at that point that this was what I wanted my future to look like.
After working in corporate America for a while I knew it wasn’t a great fit. I wanted a business that ran on service. Serving my clients and serving other nonprofits in need. Since then, I have developed websites for nonprofits in Honduras, done social media for foster care organizations in the U.S. and now have implemented a 10% donation of Reach Out Orphanage Ministries.
10% of the proceeds go back to the organization that ignited my passion.
I was a foster mama in Honduras with R.O.O.M and I now help fund their programs through the services YOU purchase! Thank you!
Whether it is traveling the world, playing board games, or running around town, my husband's positive outlook on life and go-getter attitude never ceases to inspire me!
My business name is deceiving... I much prefer Bekah. I am an entrepreneur, go-getter, chocolate-lover, marathoner, puppy-mom, and ice cream-addict! I love meeting people and helping my clients achieve brand awareness and more traffic through their stunning websites.
※ I met my Husband on our Cross Country team in college.
※ After every run below 45° (which is a lot in Washington) I end the run with white fingers. #Raynaudsforlife
※ I need to have a fan on while sleeping. Thankfully after marriage, I found out that my husband and I share that idiosyncrasy!
※ I'm a Midwestern girl at heart - I grew up in Minnesota and went to college in Iowa. And yes, we still ran in -20
※ “Pitch Perfect” is my favorite movie of all time, right up there with “Pearl Harbor” and “Top Gun”.
| Hiking in the mountains
| Naps in a hammock with the sun on my face
| Red wine after a long day
| Daily runs to boost my mood
| Jack Johnson on repeat
| Costco grapes (if you’ve had them, I’m sure you can relate)
| Culver’s Custard malt with m&ms (Midwest is Best)
| My mom’s ginger martini.
| Minneapolis traffic
| People budging
| Accounting mumbo-jumbo
| Heat and humidity, give me the snow any day
| Avocado toast, I know I'm in the minority here
| People being late, I want to be a free spirit with all I am, but my Eneagram 3 just gets the best of me
| Shopping in a store... or really any shopping in general
Bekah is a small business web designer, Squarespace educator, and momma of 2. She finds joy in being entrepreneurs’ biggest cheerleader in getting their website out into the world so it can start ranking on Google. She’s passionate about teaching you the tricks to building your brand online & skipping the marketing rat-race of instagram.
I’ve got messy hair and a thirsty heart.
I overshare my life, and have an ultra-expressive personality.
Elphaba from Wicked is kind of my alter-ego as I am always trying to forge my own path and make a difference in the World, somehow, someway, while also constantly criticizing myself and trying to become the better version of me.
Quality conversations + coffee come easy to me.
I saw this quote the other day: "I do not wish to live—I wish to love, and live incidentally." -Zelda Fitzgerald and I was just like "YES and AMEN!”
I’ve never had an issue connecting naturally with others (probs because I can go on and on about my life story, not that it is interesting, I just process externally, anyone else?!)