My Journey to Entrepreneurship


Majored in Mass Communications (and Spanish) from a small, private school in Iowa and graduated in 2014 and 3 months later went to Honduras for 1.5 years

  • What I did – helped in orphanages, taught English, and fostered
  • Foster mom to Judah for 4.5 months
  • Deep love of children and at risk children

Returned to U.S. and got a job doing marketing at a real estate firm, but it wasn’t fulfilling for me in the same way

  • Longed to be needed in that way
  • Knew 9-5 wouldn’t be it for me
  • Wanted to set myself up for kids

Took the leap and started Rebekah Read Creative 6 months after getting married while living in our friend’s basement in Bozeman, MT.

  • I chose the name with “creative” because I didn’t know what my business would be, but knew the brand would be me. I just knew I wanted freedom
  • Dabbled in photography and invested in my first course, but it wasn’t for me
  • Started primarily with social media management and occasionally did logos and websites
  • After 6 months I pivoted away from SMM and did more website design. From there, niched down and defined the core of my brand to work with entrepreneurs making 50-100k and ready for a redesign

Covid hit

  • Pivoted to day designs for people who couldn’t fork out $3,000+ for new web design
  • Instead of working with entrepreneurs ready to invest in rebrand, I started working with new entrepreneurs primarily
  • Loved it and found so much joy helping new entrepreneurs and people looking to pivot so I took another pivot and started an online mastermind


After individually helping people in a coaching manner, I decided to create an online mastermind for new entrepreneurs or burnt out entrepreneurs looking to pivot in their business. 

I had been in a mastermind and loved this model because it placed a lot of the value in community and working together even if they’re in the same field. 

Finishing up 2020 with these ladies was such a highlight to my year. I loved sharing my knowledge and cheering them on in their businesses.


2021 was marked by burnout for me. I was also pregnant so I knew I needed to make some changes in my business. I began promoting my Squarespace SEO course more and also created a How To DIY Your Website course. I realized I thrived in website in a days and what was really draining me was full website rebrands. As I prepared for my 3 month maternity leave at the end of the year, I nailed down my goal for 2022 – 2 website in days a month.


I am finally where I’ve always wanted to be. I created this business partially because I wanted to be a stay at home mom someday and I am overjoyed to have that be the case. I get a babysitter twice a month to take care of Eliza during my website in a days and then do all the maintenance for my business during her naps.

How were you able to make all these pivots?

I didn’t build a business, I built a brand. RRC isn’t solely websites or social media management, it is me offering help to entrepreneurs. I could do this because from the very beginning I invested in my brand and who my ideal client was. I fostered my community and now when people think of RRC they don’t think Squarespace and Showit website designer they think of someone “who stays in the know about marketing/website/social media trends so you don’t have to. And provides digestible nuggets plus is kind and service-minded.” This is what Bridget with Run Dark Horse an Online Running Coach said.

Or what Taylor Moser who is a virtual assistant said:

“The word that comes to mind when I think about Bekah is Genuine. She serves with her heart and that makes her incredibly unique in the online business space. Bekah instilled confidence in me when I was a brand new business owner, and she encouraged me to raise my rates as I gained experience. She also shares content that is actually helpful and actionable. She knows her stuff and isn’t teaching fluff. I’m so grateful for your guidance, Bekah!”

This is why I push every single one of my clients to discover the core of their brand. I want them to have something that is made to last and allows them to pivot when their life changes or a pandemic hits.

If you are wanting to dive deep into the core of your brand through my custom brand questionnaire and develop a 5 page website that gets your business into the world, LET’S CHAT about whether website in a day would be a good fit for you!

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with their Showit or Squarespace website with intentional website strategy so they can book more clients and make more money doing what they love!

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