Ecommerce is alive and well and delivering digital products is another (semi-easy) way to work passive income into your business!
If you are a product based business, evaluate whether you plan on having more than 20 products. If so, I would probably suggest Shopify over Squarespace just as a heads up!
If you are already on Squarespace and wanting to add digital products or are looking for a website platform that is easy to design on, has integrations all in it, and includes hosting, Squarespace is the way to go.
You need to have a privacy policy and terms of use on your website since you are collecting customer’s data. This is an important place to add your return policy and contact info.
Squarespace downloads are delivered via email and the digital download expires in 24 hours. This can be annoying, but if they don’t download it right away you can send them another notification in the backend of Squarespace ecommerce.
In this video I show you the difference between a Squarespace 7.0 and 7.1 shop and do a brief overview of how to create an online storefront!
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