Let’s Make 1k Months A Thing

In this video I will talk to you about overcoming money mindset issues, my income report for my first 3 years in business, why 5k and 10k months aren’t all they’re cracked up to be (or being a 6 figure entrepreneur), and why we should make 1k months a thing.

Other blogs you may find interesting

>> My First Month as an Entrepreneur

>> My First 2 Years in Business

>> The Best Investment in my Entrepreneur Business

>> 10 Questions to Ask Yourself to Figure Out Your Next Service in your Business

Year 1, 2, and 3 income report

Year 1 (June 2018 – May 2019) = $24,074 (before taxes and expenses)

Year 2 (June 2019-May 2020) = $48,870 (before taxes and expenses)

Year 3 (June 2020-May 2021) = $63,089 (before taxes and expenses), $34,362 after taxes + expenses

Let’s make 1k months a thing!

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Let's Make 1k  Months A Thing

I’ve got messy hair and a thirsty heart. 

I overshare my life, and have an ultra-expressive personality. Some words people use to describe me are: helpful, real, fun, creative, authentic, and kind.

Elphaba from Wicked is kind of my alter-ego (I was a fan LONG before the movie-adaptation - anyone else?!). I am always trying to forge my own path and make a difference in the World, somehow, someway, while also constantly criticizing myself and trying to become the better version of me.

Quality conversations + coffee come easy to me. 

I’ve never had an issue connecting naturally with others (probs because I can go on and on about my life story, not that it is interesting, I just process externally...) 

I find so much joy in helping and serving others and I give myself fully to whatever it is that engages me, whether that is running a 50k or creating a website in a day.

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