How to Use Landing Pages for Your Business

Okay let’s address the first point, what is a landing page?

A landing page is a page on your website that has the one goal of getting the viewer to take a very specific action. Of course all pages should have a CTA (or call to action) at the bottom (and maybe throughout) that directs the user journey, but a landing page speaks specifically to that ONE CTA and its primary goal is to get people to click that button at the bottom.

A landing page is usually used to generate leads (ie. a page that has a freebie on it) but can also be a sales page with a very specific goal.

Where do you create a landing page?

You can create a landing page through your email marketing platform like Flodesk and Convertkit. The nice thing about these platforms are they make it SUPER EASY to design effective landing pages. See some examples below ↓

Want some other examples? EXAMPLE 1, EXAMPLE 2, EXAMPLE 3

Another option is to create your landing page directly on your website platform like the below example. You may be able to find a template through your website builder. Check out my FREE landing page template for SQUARESPACE!

Moodboard templates for entrepreneurs

Want another example of an in-website landing page? GO HERE!

How do you create a landing page that actually converts?

  1. Get rid of the header and footer so they can’t click on anything other than your CTA link
  2. Read through the page and ask yourself do I feel compelled to subscribe (or buy)? Then send it to a friend and have them do the same thing.
  3. Get rid of all other links on the page besides the main CTA
  4. Explain the VALUE this freebie will provide to their life
  5. Focus on the headline and sub-headline to grab their attention right off the bat
  6. Add an image that is relevant to the freebie or is the cover page of the freebie if applicable

<<Check out this customizable Squarespace landing page for Free!>>

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