What’s the benefit of keeping people on your website for a long time? A HUGE one is that it creases your SEO (aka it moves you up in search engine rankings) because search engines will see that people stay longer and therefore you must have valuable content.
I mentioned in a blog earlier that having a website that is easy to scan will actually keep them on your site longer. It may seem counterintuitive, but if they can easily scan the content their mind won’t get overwhelmed with the amount of content and they can find the section that is applicable to them and read more.
How to improve the scanability on your website. Another important thing to note is scanability. People don’t read websites, they scan websites (unless they are on the 4th or 5th time of landing on your site). So are you communication what you need to clearly?
Ask someone what is the most important thing on this page and give them 10 seconds to figure that out. If they got it correct then you know that 1. your page is doing what it should be and 2. you aren’t confusing your audience, thus making them hop off the website.
Want more tips on keeping people on your site longer? Check out my post all about how to write effective Call To Actions!
How to make your website irresistible
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