Squarespace Vs. Wix : What’s The Best Option?

First of all, what about the other platforms? If you want to know about SQUARESPACE VS. WORDPRESS read THIS blog! Want to know SQUARESPACE VS. SHOWIT? I’ve got you!

One platform I ALWAYS get asked about is Wix.

They may have great advertising on YouTube (I can’t be the only one who ALWAYS gets their ads?!), but that doesn’t mean they are the best option.

I almost never suggest Wix for many reasons, and here are just a few:

  1. It doesn’t integrate nicely. For example if you post a new blog post, it doesn’t automatically add it to your homepage. You have to do a lot of manual updating that seems so unnecessary.
  2. It is finicky with text size and the mobile view is weird. With the mobile the color is even off sometimes and you end up having to delete things because it doesn’t work and isn’t responsive. Everything is integrated with Squarespace! You want a website that is RESPONSIVE and looks good on all screen sizes and Wix just isn’t there yet.
  3. It is very slow for changing the background color and photos
  4. Terrible customer support even with the paid plan, Squarespace has much better customer support! They will even go on to your website and do the change for you and then undo it so you can learn how to do it!
  5. It has limited SEO capabilities. You can definitely do basic SEO tricks, but it isn’t as great as other platforms.
  6. Design wise it isn’t as great as Squarespace in my opinion. If you are trying to do more complex designs like animations, it is limited.
  7. Overall Wix seems to just take more time (especially if you are a perfectionist). Squarespace has everything laid out so well!

* NOTE * Pricing is very similar (although Wix has a forever free plan, but if you’re using it for business you’ll probably end up upgrading)

Did you skip to the bottom? That’s okay, I do that too. Here’s the gist of it – if you want a website platform that has high-end design templates and is easier to use, go with Squarespace!

Squarespace SEO checklist


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Grab the SEO checklist! These are the steps I use for my clients’ sites to get them on page 1 of Google

Squarespace Vs. Wix : What's The Best Option?

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