Podcast + IGTV episodes in which I’ve been featured!

I started off my small business in 2018 with website design and 2020 brought to my attention my passion for serving other creative entrepreneurs with free resources (I mean just look at all the freebies I have made, it’s a bit ridiculous- rebekahreadcreative.com/freebies) and being their biggest cheerleader.

I made it a goal to be on one podcast. I pitched myself and from there they just kept coming! I am so excited to share my story with you and hopefully encourage you along the way. You’ve got this sweet friend!

A Simple SEO Strategy For Youtube & my PIGFL System (The Systems & Workflow Magic Podcast)

When you tune into Episode 61 of the Systems and Workflow Magic Podcast you are going to learn my content creation strategy + my SEO Strategy, and how you can begin to implement this for yourself!

✦ Learn how to show up on Google’s first page on your first day

✦ Find out my complete and consistent SEO content strategy

✦ Be motivated to identify your ‘enoughness’ to create a simple strategy

I share how I survived motherhood thus far and share my struggles of finally getting a diagnosis for my daughter after a year of hard.

I take you back to 8 years ago when I was a foster parent in Honduras and the stories I tell will shock you as much as they give you chills.

We touch briefly on trauma and the support I received while fostering internationally.

Good Crafternoon is a podcast for all you Etsy users and product based businesses! The host is Kristyn Lloyd with “Made By Kristyn

I chatted about my favorite topic – SEO (search engine optimization). If you’re a product based business with great products that aren’t getting seen by your ideal customers – this is an episode for YOU! We will give you our tips for SEO on your websites and on Etsy. Keep it crafty! ✌🏼

How to make your website work for you in the background with SEO and avoiding burnout

Working with Kelsey was one of the biggest blessings of 2021. Her positive energy, encouraging words, and delightful spirit made her an easy website client and a quick friend. I loved designing her website and 9 months later being on her podcast, Find Your Magic!

Find Your Magic pod

Froztech is a web design company that specializes in SEO and Software Development. They just launched a new podcast titled CEO Society Podcast!

In this episode I share how my 9-5 corporate just wasn’t doing it for me and how I desired the freedom to travel so I left and started RRC!

LESSONS LEARNED! I got to be the host on this podcast and put Alyson (the usual host) in the hot seat!

Alyson shared her secrets to managing stress/anxiety and making the most of 2020.

This episode features all of Alyson’s secrets to survival in 2020: • We chat techniques and best practices for managing stress and anxiety during uncertainty. • We chat life lessons from 2020. • We wrap up with takeaways from Alyson’s most important 2020 life lessons.

Listen to a love story… and maybe not the love story you would expect…

On this podcast (The Creative Imposter) I share my journey from foster mom of a 11 day old baby in Honduras to entrepreneur and how I am able to continue to fulfill my passion for foster care at this stage in my life.

Show Links:

On Apple: http://bit.ly/cipodcast

On Google: http://bit.ly/cipodgoogle

On Spotify: http://bit.ly/cispotify

COFFEE CHAT: DIGITAL VS. PAPER PLANNERS?! I was so excited to be asked back on this podcast!

Alyson asked me back and this time we sat down and chatted all things planners (you know I love me some paper planners!!)

We both have different methods and it was so fun to hear how she uses planners to help with gratitude and social media, while I use them for life goal planning and day to day work tasks.

If you are feeling like you need some actionable productivity hacks, we’ve got you, friend!

EP38 but what if you did podcast

A deep dive into SEO for musicians

I had such a great interview with Bree Noble for The Profitable Musician Show! On this podcast episode we did a deep dive (and I mean DEEP) into SEO and I shared some of my biggest secrets to:

  1. Making each blog post more SEO-friendly
  2. What I look for when I do my Google Analytics research each month

Want to know how a mastermind can change your LIFE?! The Legal Paige podcast was my first (short) podcast. It was me and a few other guests from my Mastermind. I explained the impact the mastermind had on my business (spoiler: it was a GAME CHANGER).

The beauty of this online mastermind was the investment being a low enough price-point I could afford. Paige helped me hone in all the things I did and discover which passion I wanted to make into a business. I refined my offerings and my audience began ACTUALLY seeing me as an expert in Squarespace and Showit website designs.

(P.S. Go here if you want to check out TLP’s contracts or privacy policies)

The Makers Forum Podcast was my first podcast interview to ever air and it got me HOOKED! Chatting with Kellie was so much fun and although I was super nervous she made it such a calm experience. In her episode I invite you inside my business process and talk about what it means to be a creative in the entrepreneurial world. We get really real and I love it!

That Green Dress is a podcast by a fellow Spokane resident who I was fortunate enough to meet in person AND design her website! My episode with Addy aired October 20, 2020 and we discussed my journey jumping into entrepreneurship!

In this episode, I highlight the importance of recognizing our value, honoring our gifts, and prioritizing wellness and joy in the journey. Join us!

I was actually on the YouTube channel Accounting by Edrina TWICE! The first time we talked all about how to create a website that converts and our second episode was about mastermind groups and how important they can be with 2 of our fellow mastermind sisters!


Lauren Osselton is a fellow Creative with a heart for women entrepreneurs in which I absolutely adore. We chatted all about pivoting your brand and message and how that has been KEY to both of our success.

Vivi Goes Live had me on her IG channel on October 15th. We chatted all about how to intertwine social justice passions into your business!

I shared my missionary story on Lane of Roses! This article came out in March of 2021 and is very near and dear to my heart.

“Jesus Christ uses flawed human beings. That’s me. I qualify. He uses those who are highly unprepared. Also qualify; also me. But more importantly, He uses willing hearts.”

I was honored when @laneofroses reached out to me asking me to share my story. You know those things you could talk about forever but most people probably don’t want you to babble on and on?

That’s Honduras. That’s injustice. That’s orphan care.

I was thankful to have open ears to share it with.

To read the rest of my story as a foster mom and how that has translated over into my biz, head over to laneofroses.com/writtenstories ✍🏾⁠⁠


I’ve got messy hair and a thirsty heart. 

I overshare my life, and have an ultra-expressive personality. Some words people use to describe me are: helpful, real, fun, creative, authentic, and kind.

Elphaba from Wicked is kind of my alter-ego (I was a fan LONG before the movie-adaptation - anyone else?!). I am always trying to forge my own path and make a difference in the World, somehow, someway, while also constantly criticizing myself and trying to become the better version of me.

Quality conversations + coffee come easy to me. 

I’ve never had an issue connecting naturally with others (probs because I can go on and on about my life story, not that it is interesting, I just process externally...) 

I find so much joy in helping and serving others and I give myself fully to whatever it is that engages me, whether that is running a 50k or creating a website in a day.

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How to Design a Website in a Weekend That Converts!

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