How To Set Up Business Goals

I often feel like with YouTube I need to get all done up and look perfect plus have the set up all up to par, but as a new mom I just don’t have time for that in between naps. So here I am! Showing up in my sweats, with my dry-shampoo’d hair, on very little sleep.

In this video I will show you how to:

  1. Show up imperfectly for your business
  2. Create goals EVEN if you don’t have a lot of time on your hands to do so
  3. How to create goals if your life is currently in the unknown

Quick summary of the video: MY GOAL FOR 2022 IS TO SHOW UP WELL FOR MY DAUGHTER. Here is how I got there:

  1. I started off the process in a journal reflecting on 2021 and COUNTED THE FRUIT!
  2. Then I broke down my 8 categories of goals to remind myself of the goals I want to create and how I want them to be well-rounded (ie. not all business).
  3. Cast a vision — what do I desire when I am 80 and what does that mean for me right now (ie. to be a good family member)
  4. Create a moodboard for the year (what fires you up and inspires you)
  5. Jot down goal ideas
  6. Write down your final goals (it can be just 1 or it can be 8 – whatever works better for you)
  7. Break down those big final goals into smaller more attainable goals. I show you in the video how I broke down my main business goal.

Resources mentioned in video:

Cultivate What Matters planner

Copy Class by Kelsey Formost

Free resources to learn more about quarterly planning and goal setting:

Kat Schmoyer –

Nancy Ray –

Ashlyn Carter –

A fun recap look back on 2021 (plus my book list)

Are you interested in seeing more videos about my entrepreneurship journey?

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