I love this little spot of the my online home! I share all my best Showit + Squarespace website tips as well as other entrepreneur business advice I've gleaned over the years.
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First things first, I believe that Google judges bounce rate unfairly. Bounce rate is a visit when the visitor only looks at one page and does not interact with it. But think about blog posts! This is unfair because they could read for 4 minutes and it is still a “bounce”.
I want to fix this!
If this bugs you, you can:
Set up event tracking which tracks which elements of your site are causing people to leave
Use Google tag manager that has a code that is a tracking ID and tells you how long someone was on the page with an action (and the action would just be someone staying on the page for 15 seconds)
I don’t care about that, I just want people to take action!
Now we do want people to take action on your website. Having high quality design, making sure the value you offer is clear and mobile optimization are all ways to get people to take action.
But this blog post is about improving the bounce rate:
These are the best ways to improve your bounce rate:
1. Fast site speed
Do a Google speed test
Watch what plugins you use if you are a WordPress users
Media file size – make the images and videos optimized
Fix all broken links
2. You’re giving them too many choices and confusing them
*This post does contain affiliate links, which means I get a kickback if you purchase through my links. However, I ONLY share products I truly use and love!*
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