99.9% of my blog posts are website or SEO related, but first birthday parties need to be remembered and celebrated!
Bennett was born on Memorial Day and I spent every Memorial Day growing up going to our extended family cabin and putting in the docks. I wanted to have his birthday party be a nod to how much our cabins mean to my husband and I (Bennett’s middle name is an ode to the town nearby Sam’s cabin).
Honestly, this birthday party embodies the indecisiveness of this season of motherhood. It was a mixture of cabin (fishing and sailing) and camping. And in true postpartum fog, I spelled my son’s name incorrectly on the letter board. You win some, you loose some.
Thanks for the pics Hannah LaBolle! So grateful for you.
I’ve got messy hair and a thirsty heart.
I overshare my life, and have an ultra-expressive personality. Some words people use to describe me are: helpful, real, fun, creative, authentic, and kind.
Elphaba from Wicked is kind of my alter-ego (I was a fan LONG before the movie-adaptation - anyone else?!). I am always trying to forge my own path and make a difference in the World, somehow, someway, while also constantly criticizing myself and trying to become the better version of me.
Quality conversations + coffee come easy to me.
I’ve never had an issue connecting naturally with others (probs because I can go on and on about my life story, not that it is interesting, I just process externally...)