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How to make a “What Are You” Spark AR Filter for Instagram.
NOTE: This blog was written in February of 2020.
Although it may still work, it hasn’t been tested since then. If you want a more recent training, watch this free 30-minute training & learn my best SEO tips + how to DIY your website in just a few days!
Watch me create a “what are you” filter following these steps (video tutorial at the bottom)!
If you have an idea in mind, start by creating the graphics you wish to use in Canva or Photoshop.
Download Spark AR studio
Change it to Facetime HD camera
Add an asset and then click material – smooth my face (retouching – 25%)
Add a facetracker – double click on that and add a plane (rename the plane to “question” and position it above your head)
Add asset – import from computer the question you created in Canva (png is great because it is transparent, but JPG will be more compressed and won’t be too large to export)
Get it over/ on your head by going to question – add material and change it to flat and under texture chose the cover – choose file and select your file
Make the answers look the same as the question so simply duplicate the question (and rename it to answer)
Add asset – import from computer and add one of your questions
Go back up to answer and create a new material and change the texture to the correct one
Go to the texture we created that is the answer and where it says single texture, change to texture sequence and upload all your answers.
Go back to your answer material and change it to be flat and add an animation sequence with your answer options
Click on answer options and where it says texture click all your answers
Go to new animation sequence and click the texture with all your answers
Add some logic/ map it out
Come to question and make it visible and down there will open patch editor
make answer visible
make animation sequence and click current frame and line them all up on the right side
Go to camera and drag it into patch editor
Double click and add a delay (how long it starts after push record 0.7)
Double click and add a pulse
Attach video recording to input and attach delay to pulse
Add a switch and from switch attach answer
Add a not from the switch and from the not add question
Start a new segment – add a runtime and run that to an offset and to our offset go to pulse and attach that to the reset
Run the offset to a less than and make it 4 and run that to loop animation and set duration to 0.05
Take the loop to a random patch and take the value to a round (make sure end value is the number of options you have in your selector so I have 10 frames)
Then take our value to a round and attach it to the selector YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE PATCH EDITOR
Plug in your phone to your computer (you can test it on your device)
Download Spark AR player on your mobile device
Export so you can submit it to Instagram/ Facebook (if your files are too large go to your frames and check the boxes from Best slowest)
File Export and choose where you want it to go
Open Spark AR hub
Upload effect and get started
Make sure you have pre-filed a preview of your filter because it will want you to upload that as well as the icon
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