How Do You Convert Visitors To Customers?!

STEP 1. Personalize your website

But HOW!? Here are my top 3 ways to personalize Showit and Squarespace websites:

1. Answer these questions:

→ What are you obsessed with?
→ Are you high-energy or more of an introvert/ prefer slow mornings with coffee?
→ What do you wish you could have every day? 
If you want to build that KNOW, LIKE, & TRUST factor, start digging out the personal things.

2. Lay out the answers in blocks with photos

Here’s an idea, but I want you to get creative with this!

3. Make a 1 sentence mission statement…

and add it to your footer! Even better, add in some of your keywords. Since your footer is on EVERY PAGE, if you add words people may use to search you, you have a higher chance of popping up on Google. 

Use the formula: “I help______ with ______ by doing _______”

Here are some examples:

→ I help homeowners with navigating the tricky process of managing cost with value while providing a transparent approach to a seemingly complicated process to build their Bozeman home.

→ Helping creative entrepreneurs pair beautiful brand design with an intentional website strategy so they can book more clients and make more money doing what they love!

NOW GET TO PERSONALIZING! YOU’VE GOT THIS, FRIEND! Ready for Step 2?! The best way to convert visitors to paying customers is by adding STRATEGY to your website.

STEP 2. Add Strategy


I believe the WHY behind your business is one of the most foundational things and the best way to start in order to properly implement strategy.  

WHAT DO I MEAN BY THIS?  I simply mean, what is the WHY behind your business? More than just what do you do, but why does it matter? 

Once you have figured that out, how would your audience benefit from it?

In short, my WHY is…

Helping creative entrepreneurs pair beautiful brand design with an intentional website strategy so they can book more clients and make more money doing what they love!

When I take them through my very long questionnaire, we uncover the questions I put above as well as their brand voice, what inspires them, and why their client makes certain choices.

This all helps me put even more strategy into their website design.

Still doesn’t make sense? Look to the left to read my full-on mission statement:    ⇩ 

“I develop websites for small businesses so I can discover the person behind the brand and make them feel known. I believe everyone has a story to tell and a gift to share with the World and simply need assistance in sharing that and portraying it in a cohesive manner. I want to showcase their spirit (not just their work) through the site and serve them in the process so they can leave the experience feeling more fulfilled, less drained from trying to DIY everything themself, and spurred on in their work to serve others. My goal is to be my client’s biggest cheerleader in their craft and provide them with a community of supporters.”

What’s your WHY? Comment below and let me know AND don’t forget to get my MOST POPULAR freebie I created with 4 other boss babes about how to make a website that converts.

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with their Showit or Squarespace website with intentional website strategy so they can book more clients and make more money doing what they love!

Helping creative entrepreneurs


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How to design a website in a weekend that converts!

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