How To Set Mid Year Goals With Powersheets

What is powersheets?

I’ve been using Powersheets as a goal planner for 3? years. My enneagram 3, goal-setting heart LOVES it!

At the beginning of the year you evaluate the previous year, write down what you’re grateful for, and go through their entire process to make your annual goals. Then each quarter you’re encouraged to re-evaluate.

In this video I’m taking you behind the scenes so you can plan with me and get ideas for yourself on how to achieve life and personal goals.

How do I use Powersheets?

Powersheets is my goal-planning system. It really helps me not just set random goals, but to be strategic about my life and business and get it all on paper.

Goal Planning Tips and Tricks

A Look At My Powersheets Goal Planner

Mid-Year Review + Plan Your Quarter with Me

If you’re feeling a bit stressed about the first half of the year, you’re not alone. Y’all my income was ALL OVER THE PLACE! In addition, I invested $4,000 and 80+ hours of time in a course that resulted in a… wait for it… $0 ROI.

Read More: Getting Real About My Inconsistent Income in My Business

So what can you do now to be intentional with the year you have left?

  1. Celebrate achievements
  2. Identify pain points
  3. Who are my ALWAYS YESes? – Family, close friends, etc.
  4. What I’m saying no to?

What other questions do you have about goal setting?

Add them to the YouTube video above and I will answer them! Happy second half of the year!

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