Best Payment Processor for Entrepreneurs

When you end a year around 50k and $1,300 of that went to PayPal in transaction fees, you begin searching for alternatives. The best option is getting your client to cut you a check, but let’s be honest. It is 2021, not many people are willing to do that anymore. SO here are some of the best payment processors on the market for small businesses:


  • PRO – Integrates well with many CRMS including Dubsado (which can be used as an invoicing system)
  • CON – 2.9% + 30 cents for every transaction
  • CON – doesn’t mesh well with QB


  • PRO – Integrates well with many CRMS including Dubsado (which can be used as an invoicing system)
  • CON – 2.9% + 30 cents for cards then bank transfer is .8%
  • PRO – You can do ACH
  • CON – data that gets pulled into QB still needs to be coded properly

Venmo Business

  • CON – Need to use Business (currently only select people can get it) in order for it to be legal
  • PRO – 0 Transaction fees until April then 1.9% + 10 cents per transaction
  • CON – doesn’t integrate with CRMS/ invoicing systems yet

  • PRO – Good if you are an accountant because it has a lot of capabilities and allows for many users
  • CON – if you are just an entrepreneur with one business it is unnecessary

What do you use? Do you love it or are you looking to switch your payment processor in 2021?

I’ve got messy hair and a thirsty heart. 

I overshare my life, and have an ultra-expressive personality. Some words people use to describe me are: helpful, real, fun, creative, authentic, and kind.

Elphaba from Wicked is kind of my alter-ego as I am always trying to forge my own path and make a difference in the World, somehow, someway, while also constantly criticizing myself and trying to become the better version of me.

Quality conversations + coffee come easy to me. 

I’ve never had an issue connecting naturally with others (probs because I can go on and on about my life story, not that it is interesting, I just process externally, anyone else?!) 

I find so much joy in helping and serving others and I give myself fully to whatever it is that engages me, whether that is running a 50k or creating a website in a day.

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