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How Non-Techie Biz Owners Can Quickly Design a High-Converting Website That Makes Sales

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Phase 1

Website that represents you

A template is generic and won't fit your brand 100%.

The Moodboard Challenge (minute 3:00) will give you Canva Moodboard Templates and strategy to create your branding for conversion.


You don't have to be miserable trying to DIY your website

Phase 2

Website that gets you clients

STANDOUT SQUARESPACE SITE SYSTEM - Get out of the rut of analysis paralysis and use a strategic template to guide your custom website and force you to move along in the creation process (minute 16:30). 


Phase 3


Skip the constant marketing of yourself on social media and get clients through SEO. Learn how to do KEYWORD RESEARCH + the 30 MINUTE SEO INTEGRATION SYSTEM

Let SEO do the heavy-lifting for you (minute 23:00).

The bonus launch checklist will also help you launch your website with a bang!


I Invite You to Join Entrepreneurs Who Are Wanting a Website That Converts

"This course is reasonably priced and jam packed with information on how you can DIY your own site...OR if you already have a site, how to make updates... I already had a website, but I wanted to change it up on my own and was able to by taking this course... This is great for the beginner who doesn't have thousands to spend on a designer... Squarespace is such an easy platform to use..."

- NANCY BISCHOFF (Educator to Squarespace Designer)

"Bekah helped me with my Squarespace website IMMENSELY. She offered specific, practical advice that I was able to immediately implement on my site and had videos when I didn't understand. I couldn't afford a web designer and Bekah came alongside me to help me navigate Squarespace and design a site in which I am proud."


I'll OVERTHINK the STRATEGY so you don't have to.

Frequently asked questions

How do I know this course will work for me?

This program is based on tested, proven methods I have used with over 80 clients. You’re not only getting access to the tools that I have used, you’re getting my own unique process to creating a website that actually converts (aka gets your client to buy or contact you).  GET YOUR OTHER QUESTIONS ANSWERED HERE.

Why Squarespace?

1. It is an easy platform that has been around a while (since 2003) with a drag-and-drop builder.
2. You will pick it up quickly and easily be able to update your website.
3. It is a self-contained platform meaning you won't need plugins, to update software, or have to worry about security vulnerabilities.
4. Very easy to make SEO-friendly so you can start ranking on Google!
5. The Squarespace team is constantly updating the platform to comply with new web design standards (like ACCESSIBILITY, responsiveness, & performance) - the grids help us meet with these standards.

Does the purchase of the course come with lifetime access?

You bet! You've got lifetime access and you get access to any updates.

What business is this for?

I love Squarespace because they are constantly updating and making the platform better to work for tons of different businesses. Whether you're a musician, blogger, or any service provider it can grow with your biz.

If you are interested in seeing some of my custom Squarespace websites, here are a few examples:


Which option makes the most sense for you?

You will have your website up in a weekend aweing your clients!

PAYMENT PLAN for 6 months

The Accelerator

one-time payment

The Total Reset

You get immediate access to the trainings with a bite-sized payment plan!

A value-packed course + Squarespace template! This is everything up-front, but you'll save over $100.



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